BBCareers can help you get invited to interview but as we all know that’s just the first hurdle – What do you need to do to maximise your chances in an interview of actually getting the job?
- Read the letter and other stuff your potential employer has sent you when they invited you to attend an interview very carefully – what are they expecting you to do?
- Have you got to do a presentation? How long have you got, can you use ‘visual aids’ is that a flip chart, a laptop with Powerpoint on it or are you expected to just speak. BBCareers has lots of experience in this area and can give you lots of support
- Is it a ‘capability-based interview’ – they will have a very specific list of key skills and behaviours they want – you need to be able to present your skills and so on in the right way
- Do they want you to do any ‘aptitude tests’, have they said which ones? You can familiarise yourself with many of these tests beforehand
- Are you expected to do any other type of assessment such as an ‘in-tray’ exercise or take part in any role-play activities? BBCareers can help you prepare for all these kind of assessments
- Don’t forget the all important ‘appearance’ and initial impressions – there is nothing wrong with ‘dressing to impress’. Non-verbal information is important both for you and for your interviewer – if you want the job, look like you want it!
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