Category Archives: News posts
Frosty weather must be winter?
As its frosty it must be the end of the cricket season! So there is plenty of time to sit cosy and warm inside and contemplate what to do next in your life. I can help with that and give … Continue reading
Well the daffs are out….and the cricket season has started
So it must be officially Spring – even if it was frosty last night and it’s far too cold for cricket. Trouble with these nicer days is that it makes it difficult to sit at a desk in front of … Continue reading
February rain and gloom continues
I wonder if it will stop raining and blowing? At least we have had no snow (yet). All this rubbish weather does mean spending a lot of time inside working on the laptop as I have no more excuses to … Continue reading
January 2014 – well nearly Feb really
Time to get ahead of the curve and get that CV sorted maybe? Not sure what makes us reach a decision to contact someone like me to redraft/rewrite their CV. Maybe like me you try to do it yourself and … Continue reading
Autumn again….
Well I will get this pesky news update page thingy sorted – eventually Have managed to delete many of my previous ramblings – oh well, at least I’m better at helping you re-write your CV than blogging! Go on, it’s … Continue reading
Not summer anymore….
But the sun is shining today – weird! No excuses left now to not get your CV sorted or start planning your future – give me a call or drop me a line. Bridget
It’s raining of course
It is summer afterall. BB Careers is nearly 6 months old! Come on you know I can help you – drop me a line, Don’t forget that the first session is FREE!
The sun is shining?
Well things are moving along here at BB Careers – its now summer (even if it is raining) so maybe its time to get on and sort out your ‘plan for the future’ or maybe just get that CV that … Continue reading
BB Careers
Welcome to Bridget’s new venture – BB Careers I’m hoping to build up this website with all sorts of useful and interesting things but it’s a bit new at the moment….. But you could take my survey – I would … Continue reading